Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend again...

Saya turun lagi 1.5kg!!!! (",) tralalalalala.... Reza jgn jeles sama gue yer. heheheh... 15.5kg already gone.

Percubaan pertama kali membuat kuih raya secara serious dalam tempoh usia ku 25 tahun telah berhasil semalam. (popia mini) -wink- Terima kasih yer chef pu3.
Tragedi memasak serunding penuh dengan dugaan dan memerlukan kesabaran. Habis tangan2 sume kena tembak bila dia dah panas dkt2 nak kering. Tp hasilnya sangat memberansangkan n sangat lazat. nyummm!!!

The person who killed Nurin should die softly with terrific pain! Bullshitto dis evil.

Owh ya 1 more thing. I've been declared again to be his gf. I said OK but not so YES. With 1 condition; I can love n like somebody else when i meet another person who can take care of me much2 better than what he did. At that time he should let me go. Dear GOD, please let me meet him my Mr Right. ;)

A good life is a collection of happy memories.

2 owh yer ke..:

Anonymous said...

eleh kalau kor turun 10 pon aku dah tak heran
aku tau kor guna corset

fLuRrY.bLuRrY.bUbBLy. said...

corset guna masa kenduri jer.
reza gediks!

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