Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Born Baby.. Knows nothing :~(

Its almost been a week since my last day in Sanyo…

Last weekend; there was a wedding day of a friend of mine. We’ve been friends since my Uniten’s life past 5 years. Dah jadi Puan dah ko skarang ye pu3. Tahniah!!! Jaga En Husband bebaik tau… hehehehe… Kasi lembut2 sket. Jangan la garang2 je, I pon takut. :D

Back to my story…
I started my new career yesterday. My 1st day goes very fine.. Been introduced to everybody here and there.. ( typical procedure for a new comer.. hehehe )

The most thing what made me really miss my prior company is during lunch time break.. The food would be totally different, the price, the kind of food also not the same anymore. I am still thingking how to apply my vege routine here. Waaaa… is that mean that my diet program were in a critical status??? K ina… I missed uncle’s kangkung, sawi, kalian and tofu.. Kalau kawan-kawan nak tau, tu la routine menu makan tengah ari ku setiap hari.. (with no rice)

My working environment also really totally diverse from what I used to do for last three years. I have been involved in IT field, grabbing the opportunity to learn something new. I knew there’s a lot I can gain in this course. I’ve drowned to Engineering Computing which is truly ‘alien’ to me.

Honestly for myself motivation, I have to be brave to take this challenge and I know I can do very well if I try my best! I really have TO!

There’s a lot of training in task I have to complete. Those are what I have been waiting for past few years. TRANING!!! To gain my knowledge! Today I just completed my Six Sigma and some Company’s Private Protocol courses. I’ve gone through the schedule, FMEA and DFMEA courses are also available. It reminds me to Aries, my ‘ex-sensei’ in Sanyo. He has been looking for this kind of courses so long. I should grab this opportunity to learn as much as my brain can absorb as I already got the chances.

Will update later gang! I have class at 8pm..


Today I have my 1st meeting, conference together with EC from KL. Walaweyyyy… I am lost in the middle of the discussions. But the good thing was I get clearly how my team is functioning. There’s a lot “JARGON’s” term I never heard and some I’ve heard before but never concern what actually it is. Hahahaha… it seems like I am a new born baby have to explore everything about life on my own effort.

Life is a process of learning and it is a MUST for me to fully utilize all the chances ahead. I wish I have made a correct decision by grasping this challenge.

I am not saying here I am pretty good, but all my words here are just for myself inspiration to motivate me to archive a balance success in life
Honestly speaking I am nothing compared to others out there. Especially my DRESDNER’s friend.. Heheh... saja highlight besar-besar.. Memang I jealous gila kat org yang byk knowledge ni.

I was not doing very well during my BEE, (memang rasa menyesal gila sbb banyak merapu.. banyak main.. banyak berangan masa tu) so this is the option how I can improve my level. Me still leaking here and there, need a lot of repair work to improve at least get a B+ grade.

GO GO Chaiyokkkkkkk!!!

A good life is a collection of happy memories.

4 owh yer ke..:

ima said...

wahhh besnye gambo kawin kawan kite tu...tak zoom lauk ke?? all the best ngan new career..i'm soooo happy for you,kerja rajin2 tau, first gaji nnt jgn lupa belanja i sama huhuu. on that particular comment, nah ambik ni :p muahaha

Anonymous said...

hehehe... kawen mmg bess kan azima? bila la turn si noi ni :p leh siti balik tg malim hehe.. all the best to noi.. grab all the opportunity.. enjoy training.. pastu kalo susah nak jumpe sayur for lunch, noi buat salad frm rumah lg bess ;) hihi

tasekM said...

uish... tak makan nasi tu.... :)

fLuRrY.bLuRrY.bUbBLy. said...

ima: nak nengok lauk, nnt mintak kat Pn Pu3. hehehhe....
i x snap pic pn time tu.
cpt2 la balik m'sia klu nak kita blanja..
Thanks 4 the wish dear!

ct djones:
bess ye kawen???????
heheheh tunggu ct deliver dulu. nnt x larat plk nak dtg. :D

tq.. tq...

tasik merah:
heheheh hari ni berjaya menebalkan muka amik sayur je kat kedai makan... mampos la nak malu2.. heheheheh

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