Friday, July 11, 2008

Burden and responsibility????

A burden on me.
Now it became a burden to me.

( Orang kata biar bersederhana )

How can I help it?
How can I helping others since i am never bother about myself.

Please give me strength of saying 'NO'

I am tired enuff. I am exhausted.
I need a rest. I need a peace of mind and soul. I want to sleep tightly.

Yey! esok balik umah.
Hmm waiting so long.. I miss them to the max!

A good life is a collection of happy memories.

5 owh yer ke..:

Kaktiny said...

must have a very strong desire to say NO.. tapi susahhhhh....

fLuRrY.bLuRrY.bUbBLy. said...

yeaaaa betul tu kaktiny. strong desire nyer payag betul nak kuar..
I penat!!!!

tasekM said...

selamat balik wehhh...

uranus said...

aku suka ayat yang terkahir itu.

a good life is a collection of happy memories..

salam ziarah..nice blog..:)

fLuRrY.bLuRrY.bUbBLy. said...

alhamdulillah selamat dah balik nih.

Hi! Thanks melawat. Ntah dari mana la ko sesat ni yer.

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