Thursday, October 30, 2008

lepak jer.. 1 by 1 done

hari ni free sket.. lega rasanya goyang-goyang kaki sambil sandar kat kerusi sambil mengupdate blog.
:D jangan report kat boss ye.

bila masa dah ada, tak tau pulak nak mengarut apa. (hmm...)

setelah sekian lama aku tak tengok wayang. rasa-rasa macam weekend ni i want to go out for a movie. As my Dear will be around this weekend, why not kan?
OK dah reserved tickets for 3. Cite The Coffin. Tak tau la cite ni dah outdated ke apa.
Huih nampak sangat ler aku ni leak of knowledge kalo bab movies nih.

Sakit badan ni, semalam pergi jogging, terkejut kot badan tetiba aktif.

Yey! Office Hour almost to end.
Bye bye..
A good life is a collection of happy memories.

0 owh yer ke..:

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