Monday, May 5, 2008

Honey Mooney Money ~~1

Sampai Penang, Sunday; 8.00am. Memang tersangat tak sempat nak kejar class pukul 9.00am. Need the parent's co-operation re-scheduled class to 11.00am. Luckily they agreed. Nak pengsan rasa duduk berzaman kat dalam bas yang dah sipi-sipi nak jadi macam Igloo.

Sepatutnya leh sampai dalam kul 4.00am tp gara-gara bas rosak, abis sume plan hancus.
Terasa nak patah balik Melaka pon ada sebab baru 30 min jalan dah stop 4jam. My dear MR dah offer nak jemput balik malam tu. Dia suka jer aku tak jadi balik. Tp i said nanti tunggu jap dulu tengok macam mana. Finally sampai la jugak Penang dengan catatan masa perjalanan 10jam. HOH!!! 10JAM?????? x pernah aku travel naik bas sampai 10 jam.

ok U-turn balik the stories;

Puas x puas sangat la balik umah sebab kejap je. Dah la tak gaji lagi, nak balik pun x best. Sib baik ada source lain yg leh back up. X wat apa pun duk umah just g lunch ngan family kat Garden Seafood celebrating my younger BRO's birthday.

I like this restaurant very much. Its kinda a Chinese Restaurant and sume makanan dia sedap dan berbaloi dengan quality. YUMMY!!! for my TUMMY!!!
Feel free to clik here "Garden Seafood" to see the details. I found it from some1's blog telling the truth about the restaurant.

My menu on that day are:

Longan ice blended-3
Kiwi ice blended -1
Carrot plain (heheh this is mine) -1
1 pot of chinese tea (refillable)
2 mounted serves of chopped garlic and chilli with black soy sauce. (hehe we loves raw garlic very2 the much)
5 plain rice

Tomyam fish steamed ( x tau ikan apa)
Fried crab with curry leaves
Sizziling soft to-fu
Honey butter lemonish fried chicken
Siput besar ( x tau nama apa) black papper
2 dishes of veggies

Can you guess the price????
Its all only RM 165. Huaaaa my lovely dead town Tanjung Malim.

A good life is a collection of happy memories.

2 owh yer ke..:

Anonymous said...

i heart tanjung malim jugak.. huwaaa... lamanya tak jejak kaki kat situ.. cuti pon kejap2 ja.. sobssss

fLuRrY.bLuRrY.bUbBLy. said...

otw jer ct. ok la tu. at least ada tumpang lalu. :)

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